Some of our key achievements to date include:
- setting up 13 integrated primary, community and social care teams - Teams Around the Patient (TAPs) co-located in GP Practices
- through the TAPs concentrated on our most frail residents, working together in multi-professional teams which have reduced length of stay, reduced care home admissions by 10%, streamlined pathways and reduced duplication
- implemented a shared hospital discharge pathway using therapists as case managers. We now have one of the best levels of discharge performance in England
- introduced a shared Urgent Community Urgent Response Service across the "place" jointly investing £800K
- brought together our customer contact centres into a single hub
- absorbed increased demand for services estimated to be £2.5 million in community services and social care
- shared our nursing workforce including nursing oversight with our care home providers
- welcomed our care home providers to share NHS training and development resources
- brought together teams working in palliative care in the NHS and voluntary sector
- set up a Care Academy to train the workforce of the future
- jointly funded an additional 59 therapists working across our "place" investing £2.9m
- created 12 integrated Community Specialist Practitioners to work with care homes
- joined up Council social care and public health and CCG commissioning teams into a single management structure